The Friday Five, 11/13/20: 5 things I've been up to this week

Today is Friday the 13th, and I saw a funny meme saying something like "good luck: it's Friday the 13th, in 2020." However, 13th's are usually a lucky day for me (my birthday is Jan. 13), so we will see. A friend is having a birthday bonfire later tonight and I'm excited to get some social interaction in, even though it'll be cold outside ... the high today is 48, and on Tuesday I wore shorts because it was 75 here. #PureMichigan

Selection of pastries at White Wolf Japanese Patisserie, Clawson
Selection of pastries at White Wolf Japanese Patisserie, Clawson

What I've been up to this week:
    1. Eating out/getting takeout. I still am not doing indoor dining due to the pandemic, but on Sunday, a friend and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and finally tried Pumachug, in Clawson, for lunch. Afterwards we went down the street to White Wolf, which is a Japanese patisserie, and I got the extra-large macaron that you see in the bottom left of the above pic, as well as the Earl Grey creme brulee for my boyfriend and I to split later, as he's a big Earl Grey fan. On Friday, my boyfriend and I had Pita Way for dinner (still using that $100 gc!) and on Saturday, after my infusion, I got Panera takeout for lunch; for Saturday night, to celebrate my parents' anniversary, we got Carrabba's takeout. Tuesday was the last 70-degree day, so my boyfriend and I did Bobcat Bonnie's outdoor dining—they have a really nice setup, they have two outdoor tents. 
    2. Virtual book club. On Monday night, my book club met up virtually, to discuss Final Girls by Riley Sager. I really enjoyed that book and I would give it 4.5/5 stars, although I didn't write a full-length review for it. 
    3. Getting my car's air filters changed. Maybe not the most exciting thing, but it felt good to get it done, because I had been procrastinating a bit on it. Both Troy Honda and Belle Tire Troy quoted me about the same price for it, but I took it to Belle Tire because they had a $40 off $80+ coupon online, when you sign up for their e-club. 
    4. Being poked. Got my B12 shot last Friday—I usually get that after work because then I can stop by my parents' (with a mask on) after, but I didn't have time last week, so I had to do it before work. On Saturday, I also had my infusion, which I get every 8 weeks (for Crohns medicine), and they ended up putting the line in on the CROOK OF MY ELBOW, which was new, but surprisingly didn't hurt as much. 
    5. Watching UM football. Watched UM get beat by Indiana last week ... hopefully they have a better chance against Wisconsin tomorrow. (side note: anyone else think maybe we shouldn't have football in the midst of a pandemic?? I saw people swarming the field during the Notre Dame-Clemson game, on TV ...) 
    Friday the 13th in 2020 meme

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