The Friday Five, 7/6/18: 5 things I've been up to this week

I'm writing this from Rhode Island, where I'm visiting family - my family and I are originally from Massachusetts, and my dad's side of the family is from RI.

It's been hot here (same as Michigan) but it has been nice to relax and not run around as much as I usually do at home.

Lighthouse - Jamestown, RI
What I've been up to this week:
  1. Seeing concerts. I don't normally do this but I saw TWO concerts last weekend - Paramore with Foster the People, last Friday at DTE, and then Jethro Tull, on Sunday at Freedom Hill. I had lawn seats for both and I forgot how hilly the DTE hill can be ... Freedom Hill was much better. Jethro Tull was a quick 2-hour concert, as well, and we were out by 9:30pm that Sunday.
  2. Eating out. On Saturday, I went to a blogger lunch at Mr. B's—you can search for #mrbsgastropub on Instagram and Twitter if you'd like to see pics—and everything was delicious. I hadn't been to Mr. B's in quite some time, and they've rebranded as a Gastropub recently. On Sunday, I used a Groupon at Inyo, in Ferndale, for some sushi, and on the 4th my aunt and I went to an Italian place that she enjoys, in Rhode Island.
  3. Traveling. I arrived in Rhode Island on Tuesday and I'm here until early next week. I'm reviewing the Mazda3 Grand Touring 5-door while I'm here, too, and so far I'm liking it a lot - its similar to the Mazda3 Grand Touring sedan I reviewed a while back, but is more of a hatchback.
  4. Being pampered. On Monday, I was able to try out the new Drybar, in Birmingham, MI, and it was my first experience at a Drybar ... I liked it very much! They will wash and style your hair, and it's $45 (plus tip, if you're inclined). Check back soon for a blog post on that experience. 
  5. Cooking. I made myself a stir-fry on Monday because I had a lot of veggies from my Flashfoodbox, as well as some chicken meatballs they sent me, and it came out well; I added some soy sauce and teriyaki sauce to it, too. I ordered a Hello Fresh box for my aunt and I while I am here, as well, and it's being delivered tomorrow, so we will have those three meals to cook, too.
Chicken lettuce wraps at Mr. B's Gastropub, Royal Oak. Very tasty!

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