Movie Review: The Legend of Tarzan

I'm not sure that I've ever seen a Tarzan movie where, at the beginning, Tarzan is back in "proper" society and has already made a life for himself outside of the jungle, but that is how this movie begins. Lush scenery throughout and a fantastic cast make this a very interesting film, however, and the concept works well here.

John Clayton, aka Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgard), is now Lord Greystoke, of Greystoke Manor, where he lives with his wife, Jane (Margot Robbie). George Washington Williams (Samuel L. Jackson), an American, comes to him with an interesting proposition: he wants him to return to Africa and check out what is going on with some of King Leopold's investments in the Congo. Although reluctant, Clayton agrees, and Jane insists on accompanying him, as both of them grew up in Africa. When they arrive, however, danger awaits them, including a slimy agent of Leopold's, Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz), who needs to deliver Clayton to one of the African tribes for various reasons.

Skarsgard and Robbie are perfectly cast here, as is Waltz, who is great at playing the villain. Jackson provides some comic relief, too, as an American who tries to keep up with Tarzan once they arrive in the African jungle, but who is perpetually puffing and out of breath. The film also alternates between present-day, in the Congo, and in the past, when Jane meets Tarzan (who at that point had been raised by apes, and didn't quite have society manners yet), and I would have liked to have seen more flashbacks too.

Yes, see this film. We were able to see it at MJR Troy's Epic Experience theater (Troy, MI), which made the scenery all that more lush, and I highly recommend seeing it there (or in IMAX, if it's being released in that format) so you can get the full experience. This film would have been great in 3D too, actually, had they released it in that format, because of all of the action throughout. I'd recommend this movie for anyone who likes classic stories, or even a good action film, and I hope it does well at the box office.

The Legend of Tarzan
is currently playing in theaters, and is rated PG-13 with a runtime of 109 minutes. 4.5 stars out of 5.

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