CONTEST: Cracker Barrel Cheese, and How I Learned to Cook

Kraft cheese
*Disclosure: I was provided free product for the purpose of this post. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.

I am not a cook by any means, but I was invited to the Big Cheese Challenge when in Chicago a few weeks ago, and it sounded like an interesting party. Top Chef's 2012 runner-up Sarah Grueneberg was there to teach us about cheese platters, and we were even able to make our own creations after being assigned a theme - mine was Cinco de Mayo, and it was a lot of fun.

A group of bloggers and I learning about cheese, at the beautiful
rooftop bar at the Wit hotel, Chicago - do you see me on the right?
(also, this is not my pic - thanks to Cracker Barrel for sharing!)

My friend Melissa and I with our creations - my theme was Cinco de Mayo,
and hers was Super Bowl. The themes were assigned randomly. And yes,
we did keep to keep those aprons! (as well as an awesome cheese knife)

I was pleased, then, when Cracker Barrel reached out and asked if I wanted to do a review of sorts and giveaway on my blog. I don't usually review food here (although this post and this one would contradict that!), but I'm a bit of a "foodie," and although I'm not GOOD at cooking, it's something I occasionally like to try. I cook chicken for work lunches - usually pesto chicken with cheese, actually - and it's easy to make it in the oven and then freeze the additional portions for later in the week.

What I ended up using the Cracker Barrel cheese for, though, was thin-crust pizza with turkey pepperoni. I used to make myself pizza all the time in college, but I haven't made it since I moved into my new apartment, so I thought I'd give it a try.

The pizza before it was cooked
I only put the cheese on half of it, because I'm a bit of a picky eater and wasn't sure if I would like it. I used the Cracker Barrel Sharp (Cheddar) on the left half and mozzarella cheese on the entire pizza.

Before I devoured it at work - the left slice has Cracker Barrel
Sharp cheese on it. Delicious!

It turned out that the half with the sharp cheddar cheese was ridiculously good and later I wished I had put it on the entire pizza! (hindsight is 20/20 ...) I now know for my next exploration into pizza to do this, or I might try the Vermont Sharp-White - I bet that would taste good also.


I have two Cracker Barrel cheese product coupons to give to a lucky Yes/No Films reader - the coupons can be used for packages of Cracker Barrel's cheese chunks, cuts, or bars, and each one is worth up to $6.50 in value.

Enter to win via the Rafflecopter form below. The contest ends Sunday, August 18th at 11:59pm EST; winner will be notified August 19th and have 24 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be chosen.

U.S. entries only, please.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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