Should movie theaters offer healthier snacks?

Going to a movie means buying a bladder-busting soft drink and diabetes-inducing snack, right? Well, Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton thinks that habit needs to stop. He's calling for movie theaters nationwide to offer healthier snack choices.

According to a poll commissioned by Sony Pictures, 60 percent of parents say healthier snacks would "improve their moviegoing experience." A full 42 percent of them would buy snacks more often if healthier choices were available.

Sony suggests that theaters could add choices like fruit cups, vegetables with dipping sauce, yogurt, or granola bars to their current snack lineups. CEO Lynton is realistic about his proposed change: "Nobody wants to eat cauliflower while watching Spider-Man, or drink a 40-ounce cup of prune juice," he said in a statement.

What do you think, readers? Would you like to see healthier choices at movie theater concession stands?

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