Review: Marvel Universe LIVE at the Palace - ongoing this weekend! #Detroit

*Disclosure: I have an ongoing relationship with Feld Entertainment and received complimentary show tickets in exchange for this review. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.

Last night, my parents and I headed to the Palace of Auburn Hills to check out the new (to this area) show, Marvel Universe LIVE. The videos I had seen online for the show looked great, but I wasn't sure what to expect as this was my first time attending. The result? Like watching a live Avengers movie - and super fun!

All your favorite Marvel characters are here, and working together in a giant plot to stop Loki - the Avengers (Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Man, etc.) plus Spider-Man and some of the X-Men characters too (Storm, Wolverine, etc.). It was a little strange to see them all together, since normally in the movies they're separate, but they're all part of the Marvel universe.

Loki in all his evilness

The pyrotechnics in this show were fantastic! I wasn't expecting them to be so dramatic and omni-present, but they really added a lot to the show. I think my favorite character was actually the Hulk, who shows up near the end, although regretfully I didn't take any pictures (I think by that time I was so enthralled in the show that I forgot!).

Hawkeye, some sort of Captain girl, Iron Man

The show is still ongoing this weekend, today and tomorrow!

Show times are:
  • TODAY (9/26) - 11:30am, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
  • TOMORROW (9/27) - 11:30am, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
You can buy tickets here at Ticketmaster, as well as at the Palace box office. Tickets range from $25-75 and childrens tickets (up to age 12) are $20.

For those that went last night, what did you think of the show? For those that are thinking of going - what character would you look forward to seeing the most?

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